The only character show in the opening of our film is a woman therefore i will look at how women are represented in our film 'delusion'.
In the opening she could be seen as a murderer, alcoholic and maybe a bit of a psychopath, this straight away goes against the stereotypical character of an aggressive male playing the murderer in a thriller film. She could been seen as being represented as a strong character as she has just committed a murder but she is actually more of a venerable and soft character as she shows clear emotion whilst cleaning up the blood. In this way i think we have conformed to the media in making her character a stereotypical woman as she shows weakness and remorse to something that takes courage and power to do. She isn't happy with her actions, and this is shown when she has her head down on the bath and when she is crying in the mirror. The shot of her hands on the sink show her hands covered in blood, however, she is trying to scratch the blood off showing she is ashamed and guilty, she also throws up in the bath after she drinks the vodka implying she cant handle her drink or the situation she is in is so unbearable and sickening that it makes her vomit. We also used a close up shot on her face, her eyes are covered in smudged makeup showing her emotions and clearly showing she has been crying. She keeps looking at the blood in the bath showing regret for her actions.The use of the plastic in front of the camera which gives a blurry effect shows she isn't thinking straight, the audience could question this as it could be implying that she is a deluded alcoholic or she is drinking the vodka to calm her from the crime she has just committed, the use of vodka represents her as remorseful and possibly scared as she wants to try and forget what she has done, whereas usually a male would murder someone and show no emotion or regret. At the very end we film her from a very high angle making her look small and powerless, the camera then spins up to the ceiling to create a 'dizzy like' effect.
Although we conformed in many ways the amount of blood in the bath suggests it was a brutal murder, this drives away from the petty classy stereotypical use of poison and drugs used in films by woman to kill with, i think this shocking and unusual start to a film will keep the audience questioning her actions and continue watching. As the film continues the audience will obviously gain more knowledge and understanding of her character, in the film we have decided we would have represented her as normal middle classed working woman, but through a series of event it leads her personality to change which leads to the final result of murder. We don't want her to be presented as a cold blooded murder in the film we want the audience to see her actions and reasoning from her perspective and possible sympathise with her. Something horrific and significant must take place in her life that results in her murdering someone, even though we present her as unstable, its obvious is must have taken courage and strength to commit such a inhuman murder.
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